Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Entertainment Tuesday #6

There is one YouTuber I have been watching non-stop this past week and maybe even the week before and it is none other than the beautiful Kathleen Lights. I'm sure most of you know who she is, but for those of you that don't, she is this gorgeous, bubbly, little Latina beauty guru. She does everything from gorgeous tutorials to product reviews and favorites! My personal favorite videos from her are any of the videos where she talks about products that she loves meaning haul videos and favorites videos. She's so descriptive and brutally honest about each product and watching her videos has completely made me want to buy a million different products.

That leads me into my next entertainment piece: Pinterest. Because there were so, so many products I wanted to get because of Kathleen, I made a board on my Pinterest profile for all of the makeup and fashion things I'm lusting after. I've been pinning things left and right and I'm just loving the website all over again.

One last thing about Kathleen; her Kat Chats videos are so entertaining! They're basically story time videos and boy, does she have some funny stories! Her most recent Kat Chats about awkward boy stories had me rolling around my bed, laughing out loud! I highly recommend checking out her channel if you haven't already!

Ta! xx

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